What Is The Global Talent Stream Occupations List?

What Is The Global Talent Stream Occupations List?

The Global Talent Occupations List

If you’ve considered hiring an employee using the Global Talent Stream you’ve probably heard of the Global Talent Occupations List

This list, which outlines the types of jobs available for sponsorship through the Global Talent Stream, is crucial reading for any employer who is considering using the program. 

What occupations are on the list?

The Global Talent Stream is divided into two categories—A and B—both of which I explain both in the video below.

To be eligible to hire under category B, the foreign worker you’re interested in sponsoring must be engaged for a role that falls under one of the following 12 occupational categories listed below with their respective National Occupations Classification (NOC) codes:

  • Computer and information systems managers (0213)
  • Computer engineers (2147)
  • Mathematicians and statisticians (2161)
  • Information systems analysts and consultants (2171)
  • Database analysts and data administrators (2172)
  • Software engineers and designers (2173)
  • Computer programmers and interactive media developers (2174)
  • Web designers and developers (2175)
  • Computer network technicians (2281)
  • Producer, technical, creative and artistic director and project manager for visual effects and video games (5131)
  • Digital media designers (5241)
  • Information systems testing technicians (2283)

It’s important to note that your potential employee’s job title DOES NOT need to be an exact match to the role on the Global Talent Occupations List. In fact, if the role you’re hiring for has a different title, your candidate may very likely still qualify. You can determine their eligibility using the above NOC codes, and by following the instructions below.

Does your role fall under the Global Talent Occupations List?

To find out if the role you’re hiring for qualifies for a category B application, you’ll need to identify the NOC code above that most closely fits your job description. With this code in hand, head to Canada’s National Occupational Classification website and enter it into the search bar. If there are two NOC codes that the role may fall under, we suggest trying them both to determine which is a stronger match.

Carefully read through the page that follows. Here you’ll see several additional job titles that fall under the category you’ve chosen. Now, if the job description and requirements here match your role and at least half of the “main duties” for the NOC code line up with the job you’re hiring for, your candidate is very likely a match.

Typical Global Talent Occupations for Global Talent Stream Hires


These managers plan, organize, direct, control and evaluate the activities of companies that build and develop computer software, networks and information systems. Titles include: Computer Systems Manager, Data Centre Manager, Software Development Manager, Software Engineering Manager


For hiring on QA/Testing engineers for both hardware and software. These employees evaluate the performance of software applications as well as IT systems. Titles: Application Tester, Software Testing Coordinator, User Acceptance Tester, Systems Tester


If the role is more website or page oriented vs. an application. It includes research, design and development of Internet and Intranet sites. Titles: Web Designer, Web Developer, Webmaster. Depending on your location the minimum salary for a Web Designer may be lower than $80,000/year. 


This can range from graphic designer to UI design VFX. Generally excludes advertising design. Titles: Multimedia Illustrator, Layout Designer, 3D Animation Artist, 


Production or direction of visual effects, for example for computer games or AR/VR development. Titles: Visual Effects Producer, Visual Effects Project Manager, Video Game Art Director, VFX Producer


Software Engineers includes all levels, junior to senior. This applies to research, design, development and integration of software applications and other technical systems.  Titles: Application Architect, Computer Software Engineer, Software Designer, Software Testing Engineer. 


Computer engineers excluding software engineers and designers. Computer engineers research, plan, design, develop and evaluate computer, telecommunications system networks including mainframe systems, networks including fibre optic, wireless communication networks, etc. Titles: Computer Hardware Engineer, Fibre-Optic Network Designer, Network Test Engineer and more.


Mathematicians and statisticians research mathematical or statistical theories and develop and apply mathematical or statistical techniques for solving problems in such fields as science, engineering, business and social science. GTS excludes actuarial fields for GTS. Titles: Mathematician, Demographer, Statistician etc. 


Database analysts design, develop and administer data management solutions. Titles: Database Architect, data administrator, Data Warehouse Analyst, and Database Analyst. 

2 Years In Review: Canada’s Global Talent Stream

2 Years In Review: Canada’s Global Talent Stream

In 2017 the federal government implemented Canada’s Global Talent Stream program to help Canadian companies meet the growing demand for highly skilled technical employees. Using this program, companies can quickly and easily hire foreign tech workers to help scale up their businesses. 

Originally established as a two-year pilot program, the Global Talent Stream has been extended. It now looks to remain a part of our country’s immigration and economic plans for quite some time. You can read more about how to apply to the program, here

With the first two years of the program behind us, it’s time for some reflection. How effective has the Global Talent Stream been at attracting and growing Canadian companies? How will it work moving forward? We explore these questions below.

Thousands of employment visas granted through Canada’s Global Talent Stream

The Global Talent Stream is designed to help companies sponsor more foreign tech workers to join their Canadian offices. In just two years, the initiative has proven to be a success. To date, over 20,000 visas have been granted to workers across 13 different occupations. 

The government estimates that the country’s tech sector will face a 200,000-role talent shortage in upcoming years. As a result, it’s very likely that the number of jobs we fill using the Global Talent Stream will rise. 

In addition to visas granted to foreign workers, the Global Talent Stream has also created a significant number of jobs for Canadian citizens and permanent residents. 

According to a budget estimate released in early 2019, companies using the Global Talent Stream have collectively committed to creating over 40,000 jobs for Canadians. The budget also outlined a nearly $100-million commitment from companies to invest in skill training for their existing Canadian employees. 

Over 1,000 companies have participated

To date, over 1,000 Canadian companies have made use of the Global Talent Stream program to sponsor foreign workers. And over the next few years, the number of participating employers will grow significantly. 

From a pilot project to a permanent resource

The demand for skilled tech workers is only increasing. Because of this, the Canadian government has made the Global Talent Stream program permanent with a budget of $30-million over the next five years. 

While it’s impossible to say that the program will exist forever, we believe that because of the growing importance of the tech industry for the Canadian economy, it will be around for quite some time. 

The Benefits of Using GTS to Hire Global Tech Talent in Canada

The Benefits of Using GTS to Hire Global Tech Talent in Canada

There’s a sizeable tech talent shortage in Canada and it’s expected to get larger. You need that talent to help your company scale, though, and you need to hire quickly. So what do you do? We suggest, hire global tech talent and bring them Canada. 

Fortunately, a solution exists — one that enables you to hire top talent quickly AND easily. 

That solution is the Global Talent Stream

1. Fills the gap with by hiring diverse, global tech talent

The federal government launched the Global Talent Stream in 2017 specifically to help companies fill their tech jobs. By 2021, it’s estimated that over 200,000 Canadian tech roles will need to be filled but we won’t have the supply of global tech talent necessary to place great, local candidates into these positions. If we can’t fill these roles, companies will stagnate. 

Enter the Global Talent Stream. 

Using this program, companies can easily hire global tech talent from abroad to work in their Canadian offices. 

Hiring global tech is a win-win scenario for any startup. It not only increases your talent pool, but it also makes you more likely to succeed since diverse, inclusive companies are 1.7 times more likely to be innovation leaders in their market.

2. Makes recruiting less uncertain and time-consuming

It can be hard for small startups to compete with tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Amazon, all of which have offices in Canada. You, your fellow startups, and these much larger companies are all competing to attract the same talent. 

Perhaps you’ve experienced the following scenario: you’re hiring a full-stack developer (or another popular tech position) and your top candidate has been clear that they’re interviewing with other companies as well. You know you need to provide them with the most competitive salary and benefits to win them over, but you either don’t have those resources, another company puts out an offer first, or the candidate uses your offer as leverage to get another startup to make a better offer. 

Increasing the talent pool solves this problem. 

By tapping into a world of talent, our tech sector can hire more easily, and go on to grow and innovate, full-steam ahead. 

3. It works! 40,000+ visas granted so far

If you’re not already sold on the benefits of using the Global Talent Stream to hire, consider this: in just two years, over 40,000 visas have been granted to workers through the program. 

To date, over 1,100 local companies have hired from abroad to fill roles and that number is growing. In the process, these companies have also drastically increased their talent pipeline.

These candidates are experienced, English-speaking and deeply interested in the tech opportunities Canada has to offer.





Who Can You Hire Through GTS

Interview Tips

Interview Tips

We at GuruLink know just how critical it is to develop effective interviews that allow you to accurately assess talent, and bring on the right type of candidates for your teams. It is for this reason that we pride ourselves on providing our clients with Candidates that have been thoroughly screened.

Please review our various articles before your next interview:

Our screening methods are designed to be exceptional in measuring the degree of breadth and depth of knowledge a candidate has. We have long understood that each organization, candidate, and role being interviewed for is unique.

The interview we decide to use is determined with you after having met to discuss the exact details of the role(s) in question and to get to know you and your organization more intimately. Tailoring the interview is only done after we have confidentially identified together exactly what your needs, objectives, goals, hiring budgets, hiring metrics, existing hiring procedures, and office dynamics are.

As mentioned in the Services section, our goal is to eliminate as much effort as possible from your existing recruiting process. To do so we must be on the same page. Being on the same page requires understanding specifically what your goals are and what the prospective candidate will need to offer professionally and personally in order to contribute effectively to those goals. It should be clear by now that our assessment procedure is quite thorough.  We go beyond simply asking you what position you are looking to fill.

Our experience, combined with specific assessments, allows us to compile the most effective screening interview to be implemented on your behalf with applicants that have been identified by the consultants of GuruLink as strong candidates. At the end of the day, we realize that it may not be entirely realistic to assume we can completely remove your recruiting process. The final say regarding the hiring of a candidate will, in all likelihood, come from the hiring manager or project manager.   For this reason, we have compiled valuable interview tips to guide you thorough the hiring process.

Interviews can be a daunting experience, not only for the candidate but also for the people doing the hiring. We appreciate this, and want to help make the process as effortless as possible for you. As your relationship grows with GuruLink you will find that this section will come in very handy for the rare occasions where you feel you need to perform a final interview.

Hire The Right Candidate

Here are some tips to help you make better hiring decisions and improve your recruitment process:

  • Make sure you have a written job profile and make sure the qualifications and requirements accurately predict future job performance. It is much better to describe how skills will be applied in the job than just listing skills. Top performers are interested in the challenges of a job and the opportunity for growth.
  • Don’t rely too heavily on automatic resume filtering based on skills or years experience, at the very least do not present these too early in the application process. It can leave out the best candidates.
  • Make sure to sell the job, your company, and the opportunity for growth throughout the interview process.  The candidate will walk away with a positive image of your company and make it that much easier to close them at the end of the process.  Even if you don’t want to hire them you want them to walk away wanting to work for you.
  • Make sure that job profiles are not just a list of skills.  Be sure to describe day-to-day duties, performance objectives, deliverables, challenges, responsibilities, and accomplishments that are expected of someone in this position.
  • Develop interview guides, standard interview questions, and procedures for each position so candidates are all evaluated objectively and on the same criteria.
  • Make use of panel interviews – this ensures you don’t ask the same questions over and over, saves time and makes sure all people are evaluating the same responses to the same questions.
  • Make sure during the interview you do not focus too heavily on skills but rather the practical application of those skills.  Focus on the candidates major career/job accomplishments.
  • There are 4 major things you should try to draw out of a candidate in an interview. First, you want to find out about their past individual accomplishments.  Second, you want to find out about past team accomplishments. You may want to look for any relations between the two. Thirdly, you want to get examples of prior accomplishments that are similar to the performance objectives set out for the position the candidate is being interviewed for.  The fourth and final thing, is how the candidate would go about accomplishing the major performance objectives of that job.  This will assist you in weeding out candidates who may interview well but are not, in reality, top performers.
  • Have candidates describe a few major accomplishments throughout their career. Make sure to find out the “who, what, where, when, why and how’s”.  (i.e. describe accomplishments, company they worked for, results achieved including numbers and facts, how long the project was and when it took place, the importance of this accomplishment to the corporation, their title and role, team size, major challenges, examples of leadership, initiative and decision making, working under pressure, technical skills required, actual role played, mistakes made, was project on budget and on time, dealing with conflicts, etc.)
  • Another great question to ask is, “If you were hired to do this job, what steps would you take to solve [state major/common problem]?”
  • Use a variety of different types of questions including behavioural, situational, and technical questions.  Make sure to ask how the candidate may react to certain situations that may arise if they are hired for this position.
  • Train hiring managers and other people who will be conducting interviews on effective interviewing techniques.
  • Don’t limit your sources for good employees.
  • Review your best employees in each position to see if their qualifications match that current job description. If not, then make the necessary revisions.
  • Analyze current employees and create job profiles and benchmarks to indicate future job performance requirements.
  • Leverage your employee referrals by developing an effective and rewarding Employee Referral Program.
  • Avoid hiring someone who averages more than one employer every two years.
  • Always promote from within to maintain employee morale before going externally.
  • A person with an extensive contracting background is very likely to go back to self-employment when the economy permits. Hire this person as a consultant.
  • Use a temporary employment agency instead of hiring an employee to assure that you do need this person on a permanent basis.
  • “Over qualified” people are always better than “under qualified” people.
  • If possible, have the person exiting the position meet with their potential replacement.
  • Assess a potential employee’s energy levels.  If you engage in more than one interview, try to do it at different times of the day.
  • Look into any significant gaps in applicant’s employment history.
  • Consider using outside recruitment agencies if you do not have the resources to follow a thorough hiring process.
  • Use pre-employment surveys.
  • Verify an applicant’s background and all references thoroughly.
  • Know the terms of employment.
  • Test the skills and industry knowledge of a prospective employee. Get specific.

Traditional Interview Questions 

Interviewing can be as stressful an experience for employers as it is for applicants, especially if you do not hire on a regular basis.  For this reason, we have compiled a list of traditional generic questions that may have slipped your mind.

  • Could you please tell me about yourself?
  • How can you help us to grow? Why should I hire you?
  • What are your expectations from us?
  • What are your goals, both short-term and long-term? How will you establish them?
  • How did you learn about our organization? What made you apply for this position?
  • What would you consider are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?
  • What qualities would look for if you were in charge of hiring new employees?
  • Are you willing to take courses?
  • How do you work under pressure? Give examples from your previous jobs?
  • Where do you see yourself in 2 years? What about 5-10 years from now?
  • In what ways do you think you could make a valuable contribution to our company?
  • What things about a job give you the most satisfaction?
  • Tell me about an accomplishment that you are proud of.
  • Describe your ideal job.
  • What have you learned from your mistakes?
  • What is your biggest frustration with your current or most recent position?
  • Why did you leave your last position or why are you looking to leave?
  • How would you like your next position to be different?
  • How do you get along with your current supervisor?
  • Tell me about a conflict you had with someone in your work environment and how you dealt with it.
  • How do you spend your time at work?
  • How has your college experience prepared you for your career? (If applicable)
  • What motivates you to put forth your greatest effort?
  • Why did you choose the career you are preparing for?
  • What qualifications do you have that make you think you will be successful?
  • What do you REALLY want to do in life?
  • What do you think it takes to be successful in an organization like ours?
  • How would you define the word “success”?
  • Do you have a geographical preference? Are you willing to relocate? Travel?
  • What criteria are you using to evaluate the company you hope to work for?
  • Why have you been out of work for so long?
  • Who do you admire?

Performance Management

Do you have a performance improvement department or training department?

Just a few years ago, an organization’s competitive advantage was measured in terms of physical capital. Today, organizations with the best talent, ability to access information, and ongoing performance improvement programs have the best opportunity for success.

This has shifted interest toward measuring performance improvement instead of just training.  For example, when British Petroleum, a major international oil company, used performance improvement methods they increased their profits by $30 million per oil well.  In the past, when drilling workers would discover new process that improved efficiency that information was never shared beyond the single drilling team.   British Petroleum took all the tacit knowledge found amongst the different drilling teams and created a culture of shared knowledge and performance improvement measurements.

Demand for performance improvement is increasing exponentially and many organizations are now renaming their training departments and holding trainers responsible for performance improvement results. Below are best practices in getting higher productivity for the training dollars.

Performance Improvement Strategies Used by Top Organizations are to:


  • Align skill development with organizational objectives.
  • Beware of the “Can’t see the trees for the forest” training syndrome.
  • Extend accessibility and training reach with e-Learning.
  • Make recruiters and trainers business partners in employee selection, training, and outplacement.
  • Use mentoring and coaching is a catalyst to performance improvement.



Behavioural Interview Questions

Many of you are moving away from a resume-driven style of interviewing to a behavioural format. The behavioural interview is very probing in nature and is based on the concept that a candidate’s past behaviour and attitude will be predictable measure of future behaviour. Navigating these interviews successfully requires that the candidate know themselves very well. You can detect whether or not they are prepared for this quite promptly.

Your goal is to assess:

  • Why the candidate made the decisions they have made that have brought them to this point in their lives?
  • How they explain and defend their decisions?


Questions that you might consider asking are as follows:

  • How have you demonstrated initiative?
  • How have you motivated yourself to complete an assignment or task that you did not want to do?
  • Think about a difficult boss, professor or other person and what made him/her difficult? How did you successfully interact with this person?
  • Think about a complex project or assignment that you have been assigned. What approach did you take to complete it?
  • Tell me about the riskiest decision that you have made.
  • Can you tell me about an occasion where you needed to work with a group to get a job done?
  • Describe when you were in danger of missing a deadline. What did you do?
  • Tell me about a time when you worked with a person who did things very differently from you. How did you get the job done?
  • Describe your three greatest accomplishments to date.
  • Tell me about a situation when you had to learn something new in a short time. How did you proceed?
  • Can you tell me about a complex problem that you solved? Describe the process you utilized.
  • Tell me about a challenge that you successfully met.
  • Walk me through a situation where you had to do research and analyze the results.
  • What leadership positions have you held? Describe your leadership style.
  • What new ideas have you generated while at school or at work?
  • Describe a situation where you successfully persuaded others to do something or to see your point of view.
  • Give an example of when your persistence payed off.
  • Describe a situation where class assignments, work, or personal activities conflicted. How did you prioritize? How did you manage your time? What was the outcome?
  • How have you most constructively dealt with disappointment and turned it into a learning experience?


How Everyone Wins at Salary Negotiations

About the Author: Tom Wood is the founder and President of Watershed Associates, a Washington D.C. based consulting firm specializing in negotiations and negotiation training.  He is the coauthor of the workshop series Best Negotiating Practices.

It’s a long process, this business of recruiting, interviewing and selecting a candidate for a position in your company. But eventually, you will reach the point where you’re ready to make an offer; the candidate has indicated that he or she will likely say “yes.” And now the fun begins.

If you commence salary negotiations the way most hiring managers do, you focus on a pay range that’s available for that particular position, and open discussions at the low end. The rationale here is that it gives the employee room for advancement without necessarily needing an actual promotion. But, in truth, your marching order really is, “Get the most employee for the least amount of money.” And, if the employee isn’t a savvy negotiator, so the reasoning goes, well, so much the better for the company. But if the employee demands more, again so the reasoning goes, it gives the company some insight into how demanding that employee might be in the future. And, if that employee is really demanding, talks just might break down.

“In this tight labour market, the deal is really yours to lose.” So what do you stand to gain out of this old negotiations model? The savings of a few thousand dollars, which amortized over the course of a salary year, doesn’t really add up to much. What do you stand to lose? Rare, hard-won talent could slip through your fingers, and worse, perhaps you will lose that candidate to your competitor. But even though both of you might be equally interested in the other, in this tight labour market, the deal is really yours to lose. So here’s where negotiating becomes a selling tool for you.

This is the time when the candidate is putting the company to the test for the first time. How flexible ARE you really? How invested ARE you really in the employee’s future? How good a listener IS the company really? How committed IS the company to the principle that employees are its greatest asset? In some ways, the outcome isn’t nearly as important as the process. The WAY you negotiate — not so much the final deal — is going to determine whether that person is going to take the job.

Before dollar signs start swimming in front of your eyes, it’s helpful to understand that meeting an employee’s “demands” does not necessarily break the bank. Negotiable terms can include not only salary, but also benefits, the working environment, amount of flexibility the employee might enjoy.

Here are some tips for helping you achieve world-class negotiations and land the job candidates of your dreams:

  • Do leave room to negotiate, start low but be reasonable. Unreasonably low-balling a salary offer could stop the conversation before it really starts.
  • Avoid single-issue negotiations. A single issue, for instance, is salary. But perhaps there are other motivating factors for your candidates: Do they like to travel? Are they committed to continuing education? Is high visibility important to them? Tuition reimbursement, leave without pay, paid conference attendance can all be folded into a final employment deal.
  • Never devalue your product.  In this case, the position being negotiated. Emphasize the future potential for growth and continuing employability.
  • If a low salary is absolutely non-negotiable, try to agree to an earlier salary review.
  • If the candidate’s demands are beyond your sphere of influence, remind the candidate that the terms are company policy and that, personally, if you could meet them you would. Continue to reinforce the overall environment and that you are both on the same side. The shared goal: A perfect employment match.

But there’s more flexibility than most of us are aware of in salary negotiations. Here are some of the elements of an agreement that are the most negotiable:

  • salary
  • benefits
  • signing bonuses
  • performance bonuses
  • job responsibilities
  • review
  • profit sharing
  • equipment
  • flex-time
  • tuition, training, education
  • job description
  • severance
  • professional association memberships
  • corporate credit card
  • types of projects

As a hiring manager, you have one of the most creative positions in the company. And the results of your dedication are immediately obvious and measurable.

Where once the final line of the conversation might have been, “Congratulations you’ve got the job,”….. things have changed.  Now you’re now waiting to hear: “Congratulations, I’ll take the job.”

And isn’t that music to your ears?

Apply to Hire Software Developers, Designers and Computer Engineers with GTS

Apply to Hire Software Developers, Designers and Computer Engineers with GTS

Hiring experienced tech talent from abroad has never been easier, thanks to the Global Talent Stream. 

This program—instituted by the Canadian government in 2017—was specifically designed to help companies fill much-needed tech roles and further the country’s innovation ecosystem. 

There are countless benefits of using the Global Tech Stream to hire, from streamlining your recruiting process to building a more diverse team, and the application process is a lot easier than you might imagine. 

Before starting though, be sure to read through these things you should know before applying

Great! Now that you have all the background info you need, it’s time to apply! And to make the process even easier, we’ve walked you through it below. 

Step 1: Fill out the necessary form(s)

The central document used by companies interested in hiring through the Global Talent Stream is this application form

In sections 1 through 4 you’ll be asked to share some employer-specific information (business name, revenue, contacts) and identify whether you’re hiring using Category A or B. You can read more about determining the answer to this question in our post about the Global Talent Occupations List

In sections 5 and 6, you’ll need to provide information about the role you’re hiring for. This includes daily tasks, technical requirements, and compensation. You’ll also have to answer questions about the impact hiring foreign workers could have on Canadian employment. And in the final few sections, you’ll need to share information about your business’ activities and benefits. 

For more information, our partner and legal counsel, Joshua Schachnow, has also put together these helpful, in-depth videos about how to fill out the Global Talent Stream Application Form. 

If you’re applying to the Global Talent Stream for the first time, the application form is not the only form you’ll need to fill out though. 

You’ll also be required to show proof of business legitimacy—evidence that your company provides a good or service in Canada does not have any past issues with compliance, is hiring for a role that fits within the overall needs of your business, and can fulfill the terms of your employment offer. This should be submitted at the same time as your application and you can find more information on the documents you’ll need, here

Step 2: Submit the paperwork

Congrats! You’ve finished your written application! Now you’ll need to send it to Service Canada. 

There are several ways to submit the application, the easiest being online, using the Data Gateway portal. To do this, you’ll need to create an account by reaching out to the Employer Contact Centre at 1-800-367-5693. Once you have an account, you can log in and simply upload the application form and business legitimacy documents. 

You can also file a hard copy via fax to the Global Talent Stream office at 1-844-365-9665, or via mail to Global Talent Stream c/o ESDC/EDSC, 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, Gatineau, QC, K1A 0J9.

Step 3: Work with Service Canada to finalize and approve the application

After you submit your paperwork, a representative from Service Canada will reach out to you to process your application. You should hear from a representative within 1-2 business days of receipt of your application.

If it all goes well, you’ll get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), usually within 10 business days. A positive LMIA assessment approves your company to hire a foreign worker to fill the position outlined in your application. Once you have this approval, you can use it to continue the process of getting your hire into Canada. 

Step 4: Candidate applies for work permit/visa

Once your LMIA is approved, you’ll receive a letter that includes an LMIA number. Provide your candidate with this number as they’ll need to include it in their application for a Canadian work permit.

Then, when the work permit is granted (they’re usually processed within two weeks), you’re good to go! Your new hire is ready to come to Canada and start working!


Common Questions About Hiring Global Talent Through The Global Talent Stream

So, you’re considering hiring using the Global Talent Stream(GS)? Congratulations! You’re in good company—over 1,100 employers have used this program to expand their team with international talent and that number is growing. At the same time, there are common questions about hiring through the Global Talent Stream. 

If you’re thinking about using this program to hire but don’t have much background about the application and requirements, you’ve come to the right place. Our goal at GuruLink is to help more companies utilize this program by making the process even easier. 

To start, we wanted to answer some common questions and outline some of the most important things that you need to know before diving into the application.

1. What roles are eligible for hiring global talent using the GTS?

You can’t hire for every role using international talent hired through the Global Talent Stream. But if you’re hiring for a tech-specific role, it’s very likely that your position qualifies. Everyone from junior developers to senior designers and product managers are eligible for hiring through the Global Talent Stream program. 

2. How long does it take to get my global hire into Canada?

Generally, we tell clients to expect it to take 4-6 weeks to successfully have a new hire from the Global Talent Stream start working. Once all of the appropriate paperwork is complete it takes about 20 business days for full approval. The required paperwork for hiring through GTS includes your application, as well as your candidate’s application for a work permit.

So no, you won’t have your hire in-office tomorrow, but you very well might in a month from now.

3. What’s the difference between a Category A and Category B tech worker for the GTS?”

This is one of the most important questions to ask and answer, before applying to the Global Talent Stream. Our partner and legal counsel, Joshua Schachnow, outlines the differences between Category A and Category B in his video below.

Category B is the most commonly used category for Global Talent Stream applications. If you’re considering hiring for a role that falls under one of the job categories on the Global Talent Occupations List, you’re going to apply through Category B. For more information about Category B applications, check out our blog post, here

Category A, on the other hand, is used to hire more senior, specialized technical workers. To hire for these roles you’ll need a Designated Partner to refer you. This partner organization acts as a middleman, between your company and Service Canada which approves applications. To be eligible to hire using Category A, your Designated Partner must validate that you’re hiring for a role that requires a candidate with unique, specialized knowledge.

Once you have that referral, you must ensure the person you hire has extensive knowledge of your industry or an advanced degree in the area of specialization that you’re interested in, a minimum of five years of experience in that field, and is being paid a salary of $80,000 or more

4. How much do we have to pay when hiring global talent through GTS?

At the very least, you’ll need to pay your hires the current market rate for their role. If you’re not sure what that rate is, you can use this Job Bank to find it by simply typing in your candidate’s job title or the NOC code (more on this in our blog post about Category B applications, here) that matches their role! 

If you’re hiring a web developer in the Kitchener-Waterloo region, for instance, the median rate of pay is $28.57 per hour. 

5. Can companies of any size start hiring global talent??

Yes! Any company, irrelevant of size, that needs to add technology professionals to its team to drive growth and innovation can make use of the Global Talent Stream. Your company will need to meet the program’s requirements, though, and you can learn more about those requirements and how to apply in our blog post, here

6. Do employees hired through the GTS need to speak English?

You set the language requirements for your hire in your application for the program, but some English skills are ideal. To be approved for a work permit through the Global Talent Stream, candidates to have more than relevant skills and experience, they also need to be able to effectively communicate with your team. 
