Hiring experienced tech talent from abroad has never been easier, thanks to the Global Talent Stream. 

This program—instituted by the Canadian government in 2017—was specifically designed to help companies fill much-needed tech roles and further the country’s innovation ecosystem. 

There are countless benefits of using the Global Tech Stream to hire, from streamlining your recruiting process to building a more diverse team, and the application process is a lot easier than you might imagine. 

Before starting though, be sure to read through these things you should know before applying

Great! Now that you have all the background info you need, it’s time to apply! And to make the process even easier, we’ve walked you through it below. 

Step 1: Fill out the necessary form(s)

The central document used by companies interested in hiring through the Global Talent Stream is this application form

In sections 1 through 4 you’ll be asked to share some employer-specific information (business name, revenue, contacts) and identify whether you’re hiring using Category A or B. You can read more about determining the answer to this question in our post about the Global Talent Occupations List

In sections 5 and 6, you’ll need to provide information about the role you’re hiring for. This includes daily tasks, technical requirements, and compensation. You’ll also have to answer questions about the impact hiring foreign workers could have on Canadian employment. And in the final few sections, you’ll need to share information about your business’ activities and benefits. 

For more information, our partner and legal counsel, Joshua Schachnow, has also put together these helpful, in-depth videos about how to fill out the Global Talent Stream Application Form. 

If you’re applying to the Global Talent Stream for the first time, the application form is not the only form you’ll need to fill out though. 

You’ll also be required to show proof of business legitimacy—evidence that your company provides a good or service in Canada does not have any past issues with compliance, is hiring for a role that fits within the overall needs of your business, and can fulfill the terms of your employment offer. This should be submitted at the same time as your application and you can find more information on the documents you’ll need, here

Step 2: Submit the paperwork

Congrats! You’ve finished your written application! Now you’ll need to send it to Service Canada. 

There are several ways to submit the application, the easiest being online, using the Data Gateway portal. To do this, you’ll need to create an account by reaching out to the Employer Contact Centre at 1-800-367-5693. Once you have an account, you can log in and simply upload the application form and business legitimacy documents. 

You can also file a hard copy via fax to the Global Talent Stream office at 1-844-365-9665, or via mail to Global Talent Stream c/o ESDC/EDSC, 140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, Gatineau, QC, K1A 0J9.

Step 3: Work with Service Canada to finalize and approve the application

After you submit your paperwork, a representative from Service Canada will reach out to you to process your application. You should hear from a representative within 1-2 business days of receipt of your application.

If it all goes well, you’ll get a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA), usually within 10 business days. A positive LMIA assessment approves your company to hire a foreign worker to fill the position outlined in your application. Once you have this approval, you can use it to continue the process of getting your hire into Canada. 

Step 4: Candidate applies for work permit/visa

Once your LMIA is approved, you’ll receive a letter that includes an LMIA number. Provide your candidate with this number as they’ll need to include it in their application for a Canadian work permit.

Then, when the work permit is granted (they’re usually processed within two weeks), you’re good to go! Your new hire is ready to come to Canada and start working!

